
AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions


Digital glass ceramic digital inkjet printing advantage market demand continues to increase significantly _, _ market dynamic market demand

by:Arojet     2021-05-03
Takeaway: digital glass ceramic is a kind of ceramic ink printing technology in outdoor or indoor decoration glass directly on the digital printing technology, every year, the total area of more than 1 million square meters, printing glass in continuous growth and demand. That appear on the market in ceramics, glass and other materials printed on digital ink jet printing technology, already has a very welcome development in the field of home decor. In simple terms, digital ink jet printing technology is the use of UV ink in low temperature, the advantage is low cost, high resolution and image detail. At present, on the glass is used in large construction has become very common. Energy-saving glass can not only reduce building energy consumption, but also allows natural light into the building, the building of the staff through the viewing to the surrounding landscape. And glass created by the open feeling, also is the envy of other building materials. The present market and customers for glass ceramic printing digital technology cognition is far lower than the digital ink jet printing technology. And from a market point of view, 2000 up-and-coming high-speed color inkjet printer to 2006, put into use in the global machine only 20 units; However, by 2010, the number of installed more than 200 units, can be seen how the marketer. In such a market environment, digital glass ceramic printing technology exactly how competitive? Known as the public with digital ink-jet printing technology and what is the difference? That appear on the market, in fact, can be in ceramics, glass and other materials on the printing of digital ink jet printing technology, already has a very welcome development in the field of home decor. In simple terms, digital ink jet printing technology is the use of UV ink in low temperature, the advantage is low cost, high resolution and image detail. But at the same time, it has poor ability to resist UV ultraviolet light, easy to scratch peeling, shortcomings and so on cannot be used in outdoor environment. For the glass industry, the printing on the glass surface can no longer after deep processing of coating and laminating process. The DIP - 2009 Tech digital printing machine introduced China's friends and classes of yan-ling zhang introduced to electronic co. , LTD. , compared with the traditional screen printing technology, through the digital printing technology to high temperature inorganic green ceramic ink printed on the glass, after toughened glass can be printed by deep processing technology, with its glass scratch proof after printing, uv resistance, can be applied to the advantages of the indoor and outdoor. For the complicated design, color, more space in the different size of glass, especially large-scale architectural glass, decorative glass facade can largely reduce the cost and shorten delivery cycle. From a global perspective, the popularization and application of glass DIP - digital ceramic printing technology Tech digital printing machine has more than 150 units, the annual total area of more than 1 million square meters, printing glass in continuous growth and demand. Durability is the basic requirement of the market for glass print, most used in household appliances, furniture, building materials, such as the adornment of durable goods, printing design must ensure that the goods within the whole life cycle of discoloration, not destruction. Therefore, glass printing requirements with good durability, however, because of the glass are strong adhesion of inorganic materials, printing ink with organic resin on the adhesion, especially the resistance to water and light fastness is difficult to meet the above requirements. Therefore, glass printing ink with the resin and paint must be approved by special design and the long-term test screening of all kinds of patience. At the same time, along with the unceasing enhancement of environmental consciousness and environmental printing ink has become the main development direction of the section. Briefly, digital glass ceramic is a kind of ceramic ink printing technology in outdoor or indoor decoration glass directly on the digital printing technology, it is high temperature ceramic ink is composed of ceramic powder particles of raw materials. Glass printing after washing, drying, after the low temperature of 150 degrees to add part of organic solvent volatilization, after entering the 650 degrees to 720 degrees Celsius, the glass tempering furnace put the rest of ceramic ink inorganic ceramic powder particles after tempering furnace of high temperature sintering completely on the glass, will become a part of the glass. Heilongjiang printing and packaging network
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