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Single Pass UV Printing for Product Traceability and Serialization

by:Arojet     2023-06-27

Single Pass UV Printing for Product Traceability and Serialization

The demand for product traceability and serialization is growing across various industries due to the increasing need for product authentication, supply chain control, and regulatory compliance. In response, manufacturers are adopting new technologies to address these requirements, including single-pass UV printing.

What is Single Pass UV Printing and How Does it Work?

Single-pass UV printing is a digital printing technology that uses high-intensity ultraviolet (UV) light to cure (dry) or polymerize (harden) ink or coating material as it is printed onto a substrate in a single pass. Unlike traditional printing methods, which require multiple passes to achieve full coverage, single-pass UV printing deposits ink or coating in a single, continuous motion, allowing for faster production and higher resolution.

The process starts with files being sent to the printing press from a digital source, and the artwork is prepared for printing in high resolution. The ink is then deposited from print heads directly onto the substrate, and the UV light quickly dries it. This curing process causes the chemical reactions in the ink or coating material to take place, resulting in a durable and long-lasting print.

The Benefits of Single Pass UV Printing for Product Traceability and Serialization

1. High accuracy and consistency

Single-pass UV printing offers unparalleled accuracy and consistency due to its digital nature. The print heads are precisely controlled, and the ink or coating deposition is predictable, resulting in consistent print quality throughout the production process. This accuracy is crucial for product serialization, where every product must be uniquely identified and tracked in the supply chain.

2. Speed

Single-pass UV printing is fast and efficient, thanks to its ability to print in a single pass process. This allows for higher production speeds, reduced lead times and substantial cost savings. Consequently, manufacturers can get their products to market faster, with fewer errors.

3. Durability

The UV curing process used in single-pass UV printing ensures that ink or coating material is fully cured, making it less susceptible to damage from abrasion, wear and tear, UV exposure, and chemicals. This durability makes it ideal for applications such as product labeling, product marking and serialization.

4. Environmental friendly

Single-pass UV printing is an eco-friendly printing method. It uses fewer solvents and chemicals than other printing methods, making it better for the environment and reducing harm to people and planet. The ink also cures quickly, reducing production downtime and the amount of energy used.

5. Versatility

Single-pass UV printing can print on a wide range of substrates, including plastic, metal, glass, and wood. This versatility makes it ideal for applications such as packaging, labeling and serializing for many different products such as food, beverages, cosmetics, and electronics.

Applications of Single Pass UV Printing for Product Traceability and Serialization

1. Product Identification and Tracking

Single-pass UV printing is ideal for product identification and tracking. A unique identification number, barcode, QR code, or serial number can be printed on products during production, allowing them to be tracked throughout the supply chain. This identification code provides valuable information, including production location, date, and batch information, enabling traceability in the event of a recall.

2. Packaging

Single-pass UV printing is ideal for printing high-quality graphics, text and images directly onto packaging materials. This allows manufacturers to produce customized packaging, reduce inventory costs, and promote brand awareness. Identifying information, regulatory compliance, and serialization data can also be added to the packaging, increasing supply chain visibility and control.

3. Labels

Single-pass UV printing is ideal for printing accurate and durable labels, including RFID tags. These labels can be used for product identification, tracking, and tracing, and can be printed directly onto the product or onto secondary packaging. Adding these labels ensures end to end tracking of the product.

4. Serialization

Single-pass UV printing is ideal for printing barcode, QR codes and serial numbers directly onto the product. These unique codes allow each product to have a unique identifier. This technology enables regulatory compliance and improved product safety while protecting against counterfeiting.

5. Authentication

Single-pass UV printing is used in anti-counterfeit technology to ensure the authenticity of products. By printing unique text, graphic or image security marks such as holograms, which requires a high level of precision, the manufacturer can prevent counterfeiting of the products whilst also improving brand authenticity which will help build trustworthy relationship with the end customer.


Single-pass UV printing is a powerful technology that can help manufacturers ensure product traceability and serialization. Whether printing on packaging materials, labels, or directly onto the product, single-pass UV printing offers unparalleled accuracy, consistency, and durability. Ultimately, it reduces costs and ensures regulatory compliance, building customer confidence in the manufacturer's products.

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