
AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Screen and ricoh 200 inkjet equipment installation, screen

by:Arojet     2021-04-26
Screen and ricoh solutions company announced that their TruepressJet520 digital printing machine and InfoPrint5000 color printing system has accumulated sales and installation of the 200 units worldwide.

ricoh company said that they chose screen on-demand inkjet technology, because only the technology can satisfy the high-speed production requirements of our clients.

screen company pointed out that TruepressJet520 and InfoPrint5000 printing function in production and books and newspapers from bill printing has been applied, and other fields, therefore, from 2007 to March 2010, the two companies have worldwide sales and installation of more than 200 continuous feeding type colour inkjet printer.

screen KyoheiFujisawa company said: our combination with ricoh company to further expand our market share, and benefit from the powerful technical advantages, we have been installed around the world for more than 200 units.

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