
AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions


Principle of the single-chip microcomputer control system of the inkjet printer

by:Arojet     2021-08-14
The inkjet printer is a non-contact inkjet marking system controlled by a single-chip microcomputer. By controlling the internal gear pump or supplying compressed gas from the outside of the machine, it applies a certain pressure to the ink in the system, so that the ink is ejected through a nozzle with an aperture of tens of UM. The continuous ink line is split into ink droplets with the same frequency, the same size, and a certain interval by the crystal oscillation signal applied above the nozzle. Then, the ink droplets are charged separately when they pass the charging electrode, and the amount of electricity charged by the central processing unit CPU Control; then check whether the actual charge and phase of the ink drop are correct through the detection electrode; finally, the charged ink drop is deflected in the deflection electric field formed by the deflection electrode, ejected from the nozzle, and hit different positions on the product surface to form the required Various characters, patterns and other logos. The uncharged ink drops are driven into the recovery tank and re-enter the ink circulation system inside the machine. The working principle of the laser printer is to concentrate the laser on the surface of the marked object with a very high energy density, in a very short time, vaporize the material on the surface, and control the effective displacement of the laser beam to accurately Carve out delicate patterns or text. The laser marking is clear and permanent, and cannot be wiped or changed. At the same time, the non-erasability of laser marking makes it have a certain anti-counterfeiting effect. Many companies have begun to use laser marking for anti-counterfeiting and have achieved good results. The inkjet printer is used as a high-speed printing equipment. If a problem occurs, the consequences are serious. If we pay attention to maintenance at ordinary times, we can reduce the failure rate and reduce the loss caused by the failure. Check whether the ink viscosity is normal. The ink of the inkjet printer is very important. The ink viscosity has a great influence on the normal use of the inkjet printer. Check whether the ink has expired. As a strict chemical, the ink also has an expiration date. If the ink expires, it should be purchased as soon as possible. Otherwise, the print quality cannot be guaranteed.
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