AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Persist or give up, the handheld inkjet printer industry is facing multiple-choice questions

by:Arojet     2021-09-20
As the competition between the handheld printer industry continues to intensify, the pressure between companies is increasing. In addition, many industry leaders have resigned and the bosses are running away, which has caused a lot of dealers. panic. Whether to persist or to give up, this is an important multiple-choice question currently faced by handheld inkjet printer companies. The intensified industry reshuffle led to the intensification of store closures and industry reshuffles, and the frequent occurrence of merchants’ closing and transfers were mainly due to: first, the lack of support from leading products; second, the business ideas were not mature enough; third, the lack of manufacturers’ funds and services, etc. Support in terms of aspects; fourth, the ability of the business team is limited. The impact of e-commerce platforms on traditional retail physical stores, coupled with the reshuffle of the industry and the volatile product prices, has made it increasingly difficult for small retail stores to survive. Persistence will win the final victory, but everything can't be done overnight. If you want to survive in this period, you still have to refer to the path of the traditional period. There were many brands in the traditional market, and there were only a few brands that survived. Therefore, how to choose must follow the development law of things. If it meets the conditions for survival, then stick to it and survive the most difficult period. At this stage, not just the industry, but the entire economic environment is in a downturn. If you choose to change careers, the current predicament may be improved, or it may just be another change of soup without changing the medicine, which will not change the fundamental problem. Therefore, no matter whether the business chooses to continue to persist or to give up, it needs to understand that in order to survive, under the situation of not optimistic, what needs to be done is not just a multiple choice question about persisting or giving up, but a series of questions from the business itself. Positioning, what brand to represent, what channel to face, what market to target, how to promote, how to strengthen after-sales service, etc. Now that you have chosen it, you should stick to it. It may still be facing great difficulties at present, but the more at this moment, the more the company has to calm down, seek new breakthroughs and development, and break through the bottleneck and achieve the ultimate victory.
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