
AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Inventory inkjet technology and synchronization technology, printing printing _ domestic news

by:Arojet     2021-04-28
Today's inkjet devices are affecting the appearance of the printing industry with new media, the print head, print engines, printing ink and the progress of the work flow has been a rapid growth of inkjet technology, and with the support of a large number of research and development funds and personnel, inkjet area will achieve faster growth. Production inkjet equipment to undertake the printing of large or medium scale order, before they are printed on paper rolls, but now there are some can be conducted on sheet-fed printing. Although on different inkjet equipment for the printing quality mainly depends on the actual production and application situation, but the quality of ink-jet printing has a substantial improvement in recent years, and can almost equivalent to that of offset printing. Transfer from the carbon powder, now many of the ink-jet printing machine from the traditional carbon powder shift to digital devices. The cost of these products is low, and as the printing quality and technical level of ascension, their market share is also increasing. Production-oriented ink-jet printing and other printing method in the quality of the gap between the shrinking, and may be hard to detect almost to the extent. In addition, there are quite a number of live parts directly from the offset press shifted to inkjet printing equipment, and through the carbon powder in the middle of the digital printing equipment. In addition, production-oriented inkjet solutions in the packaging market growth is very strong, because it can in a faster and more economical way to product or activity information is passed to the target group. Production of inkjet market is facing great challenge is data management. Thanks to modern printing equipment production speed has had the very big promotion, so you need to people at a faster speed to deal with the related data, so as not to affect printing production efficiency. Now, many with carbon powder equipment for variable data printing enterprises have said their own production rate decreased by 50% or more, and in order to avoid this kind of situation, the printing enterprise must have a more powerful data processing ability. Books and periodicals market has been in change, with variable in some low cost information is introduced into the personalization materials, such as newspapers, magazines and direct mail, inkjet printing will have greater room for growth. Compared with offset printing, inkjet printing technology is more simple, the industry a lot of companies are stepping up research and development about this technology, in order to force in the market competition. And in the near future, we will see more production of inkjet printer. The Internet
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