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Inkjet printers help consumers buy fruits and vegetables in supermarkets with confidence

by:Arojet     2021-09-16
In order to ensure the quality assurance during the production of products, many industries use the source traceability system, and the fruit and vegetable one item one code traceability system to ensure the quality of crops in the process of planting and processing. Allow consumers to buy products with confidence and eat high-quality green foods. The fruit and vegetable one item one code traceability system enables the source of fruit and vegetable products to be checked, whereabouts can be traced, and responsibility can be investigated. Two-dimensional codes are printed on the packaging of fruit and vegetable products. Consumers use their mobile phones to scan them, and information about the producer, place of production, input products, and product destinations will pop up. Consumers are fully aware of the status of each link in the production of the product. Data sharing is the core concept in the era of the Internet of Things, and it is also the core of the traceable chain of fruit and vegetable products. Based on the data in the planting process, it provides corresponding data services for the picking process while continuing to transmit fruit and vegetable products for admission, inspection, and inspection. Inventory, environment, warehousing, transportation vehicles, transportation environment, sales, measurement, inventory and other information provide consumers with complete information on the fruit and vegetable food industry chain. The information collected by each front-end device is uploaded to the cloud server in real time, reducing the possibility of human tampering. Build a traceability management operation system, build an information traceability platform, and formulate technical standards for traceability management. A traceability system for one item and one code for fruits and vegetables, implements the quality of vegetable and fruit products, and implements the inter-accountability system, so that the quality of fruit and vegetable products is guaranteed, and consumers can eat safe and high-quality green products. The fruit and vegetable traceability system also forms a complete closed loop of food quality information traceability, where the source can be traced, whereabouts can be verified, and responsibilities can be investigated. Through the establishment of the traceability system, companies can provide brand packaging and QR code services for fruit and vegetable products, shape their own agricultural product brands for farmers, and facilitate the promotion and sales of their own agricultural products. The two-dimensional code is made into a label and attached to the product packaging, and the information of the circulation link is also entered into the fruit and vegetable product traceability system during the circulation process, and a complete fruit and vegetable product circulation link information chain is formed at the sales terminal. After using the catch-up system, it also reduces the work of the supervisory department, and the traceability system management product is perfect. The product quality is also guaranteed, and the rights and interests of consumers are protected.
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