
AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Ink and printer technology help traditional printing printing digital transformation, digital printing

by:Arojet     2021-05-05
Takeaway: ink and printer technology progress to promote the rapid development of the overall market, more and more terminal market from traditional printing to digital printing. Ink manufacturers widespread attention to the active manifestation of wide ink market in the near future. Ink and printer technology progress to promote the rapid development of the overall market, more and more terminal market from traditional printing to digital printing. INXInternationalInk Craig digital printing company vice President Mr Reid said: inkjet ink big progress is improving technology to meet the requirements of high speed and large print. 3 m business logo, 'said Mr ChadKlostermann marketing manager of ink manufacturers to develop to be able to adapt to various types of printers, ink printing speed and the print head. As a new printer continuously introduce all kinds of energy saving technology, ink manufacturers to ensure that its products can adapt to all kinds of curing technology, including the UV - LED, mercury halogen light and heat. With the expanding of printing color gamut, resolution and substrate species increased, the market urgently need more high performance of the ink. More durable and better adhesion strength, able to adapt to more material ink is more popular. Ink technology has made great progress, can now be printed materials to challenge before, such as acrylic plastic and high density plastic, allowing more of the substrate to meet the needs of all kinds of terminal application market. Ink manufacturers also launched a specific printer ink, namely the specific compatible printer to print head, for each specific ink printer brand development. Third party ink manufacturers and printers are also aware of the problem, to develop specific programs for the printer. Bordeaux company introduced to a specific printer ink is not only compatible with the print head, also can match lose ink system, including chips are specific, to ensure good printing effect. But for the ink manufacturers, negative influence factor is the rising cost of raw materials, rising some materials or several times in the past one year. However, ink manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to reduce the ink costs, through the research and development of new production processes, reduce or eliminate the effects of rising prices of raw materials for the customer. Curing technology choice wide inkjet printing market focus on health, and continuously introduce a variety of laws and regulations to promote the growth of the weak and the environmental protection solvent ink solvent ink application. The development of water-based ink is also in full swing. On the one hand, more environmentally friendly water-based ink safety, and even can be used in the home, on the other hand, water-based ink used in outdoor products more durable and not fade. Mr Sun chemical digital printing business director Peter Saunders said: we think that the water-based ink technology huge development potential in the future, will become the mainstream ink technology, it will overtake and replace solvent-based inkjet ink. Latex ink market is also growing fast. New progress was introduced water ink. No what kind of ink can meet the performance requirements for all applications. Now, it is necessary to develop hybrid UV ink can give full play to the characteristics of the energy curing, but at the same time, comprehensive solvent or water-based ink low viscosity of ingredients, to ensure that the new print head technology can realize injection. The sun chemical in new market development UVLED ink made huge progress, many large printers uphold the environmental advantages of UVLED ink. The sun chemical and Streamline brand of solvent or ecosolvent ink. From the point of technology development speed, UVLED and UV ink, and water-based ink is a hotspot of research and development. BordeauxDigitalPrintInk launching a series for DX Latex ink print head, plan the future will also expand the Latex ink types. Company launched in recent years for Roland SoljetPro4 printer ink, for SureColorS series professional ink, and specifically for the new oce ArizonaUV launched printer ink, etc. INXDigital company through the development for a specific print head application of the ink to satisfy the market demand. The new TRIANGLE brand MGAUV curing ink pigment is a kind of high density, acrylic base ink. Specifically for DurstRho series printer and development and has a wide color gamut, can be used to print a variety of display materials. In short, industry concern is still the EHS ( Environmental, health and safety) The chemicals used, such as inkjet ink registration, labeling, archive, and transportation. New progress in industrial inkjet printing industry field ( Textiles, decorative materials, etc. ) Also in the digital road fast forward. Sensient company focusing on base the development of water-based ink jet ink pigment as well as the application in industry. Company mainly introduced environmentally friendly water-based ElvaJetAlpha ink, it is can be directly printed in the ink on the polyester materials, textile products don't need any washing can print directly. Save more than 50% of energy consumption, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90%. Its environmental technology also printers can is closer to the city, in order to ensure that more in a timely manner to provide services. In 2014 fespa, booth Sensient company launched a series of new water-based pigment ink for cotton fabrics, and can be applied to kyocera inkjet print head. To ensure higher printing speed, better stability, and the whole process does not need to use water. These products will also be extended to other technologies. Di culture network
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