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IDC expects the Vietnam office equipment sales grow only 2013 _ office equipment, laser printers, printers, inkjet printers

by:Arojet     2021-05-02
Recently, the IDC report shows that Vietnam printer sales surge. Compared with the previous quarter, 32 in the fourth quarter of 2012. Growth of 2%. IDC, said the main reason is from the previous quarter, laser printers shipments grew by 45%. Vietnam's laser printer usage estimate can reach 77%. In the same quarter, ink-jet printer market only 2% growth. Government departments, Banks and private purchases of ascension. IDC said this is the reason why surge in sales of printers. IDC report also pointed out that compared with the previous quarter, multifunction printer sales rose 43%. They think it is caused by the big price cuts. More OEM sales channels and stores are actively attract potential customers. Some computer equipment stores also began selling printer, prompting market competition heats up. IDC said home users will generally choose inkjet printers, while office users will choose the laser printer. IDC TuDang market analyst said: as long as the print cost is cheap, any type of print quality is acceptable. And that's what office users to select the cause of the laser printer. Despite a surge in sales, in the fourth quarter of this does not represent the market situation of optimism in 2012. IDC expects the Vietnamese state of the economy in 2013 into the weak, but still optimistic future office equipment needs. There will be 14 IDC said printer market. There are 17 9% growth, laser printers. Growth of 7%, and ink-jet printing opportunities have 7% increase. They also think the OEM and boutique market has positive advertising campaign to drive. Regeneration time
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