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Do printers use a lot of electricity?

by:Arojet     2023-07-04

Do Printers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Printers are one of the most common office equipment that can be found in almost every workplace. They are used to produce documents, reports, and various types of paperwork. However, there are concerns about the amount of electricity that printers consume. In this article, we will explore the question “Do printers use a lot of electricity?” and provide you with all the information you need to know.

What is Electricity Consumption?

Before answering the question, let’s first provide some basic information on electricity consumption. Electricity consumption is the amount of energy that an electrical device uses when operating. It is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The amount of electricity that a device consumes depends on various factors such as its power rating, usage patterns, and efficiency.

Do Printers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Now let’s move on to the question of whether printers use a lot of electricity. These devices are known to consume electricity, but the amount depends on various factors. Some printers use more electricity than others. However, the general rule is that printers do use electricity, but not as much as other electrical devices.

Factors that Affect Printer Electricity Consumption

The following are factors that affect printer electricity consumption:

1. Printing Technology

Different printing technologies have varying levels of electricity consumption. Inkjet printers use more energy than laser printers because they require more heat to produce ink droplets. Laser printers, on the other hand, use more electricity during the printing process but consume less electricity in standby mode. Therefore, when choosing a printer, it’s essential to consider its printing technology and its energy consumption.

2. Printer Model

Another factor that affects printer electricity consumption is the model. The printer’s specifications and features, such as its print speed, print quality, and connectivity options, can affect the device’s power usage. Some models are designed to be energy efficient, while others use more electricity than is necessary.

3. Printing Volume

The printing volume is another factor that affects printer electricity consumption. The more pages a printer produces, the more electricity it will consume. It’s recommended to purchase a printer based on your actual printing requirements.

4. Usage Frequency

How frequently you use your printer will also impact its energy consumption. Printers that are used frequently consume more electricity than those that are used occasionally. It’s essential to turn off your printer when it’s not in use to save energy.

5. Duplex Printing

Duplex printing, which is printing on both sides of a piece of paper, can save electricity. Using this feature can reduce paper usage and waste while saving electricity on printer usage.

How to Measure Printer Electricity Consumption

To determine how much electricity a printer consumes, you can measure its power usage in watts. EnergyStar, a program established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has set the standard for energy-efficient consumer products. When purchasing a printer, look for an EnergyStar label to ensure that the printer meets the standard for energy efficiency.

By the numbers, an inkjet printer uses about 30 watts of power during printing and about 4 watts in standby mode. A laser printer uses approximately 600 watts during printing and about 10 watts in standby mode. To put this into perspective, a standard desktop computer uses around 100 watts, while a refrigerator uses approximately 725 watts.

Energy-Saving Tips for Printers

Here are some energy-saving tips for printers that can help you reduce your electricity consumption:

1. Turn off your printer when it’s not in use.

2. Enable the printer’s “sleep” mode when not in use.

3. Set your printer to duplex printing to save electricity and paper.

4. Use ink saver mode or toner saving mode to reduce the amount of ink or toner used per print.

5. Invest in an energy-efficient printer model with an EnergyStar label.


To sum up, printers do use electricity, but not as much as other electrical devices such as refrigerators or computers. However, the amount of electricity a printer uses depends on various factors such as its printing technology, model, printing volume, usage frequency, and duplex printing. By implementing the energy-saving tips provided in this article, you can reduce your printer’s electricity consumption considerably.

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