AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Short videos and live broadcasts are developing rapidly, affecting the development of product packaging labels

by:Arojet     2024-02-10

In recent years, short video platforms have developed rapidly. The ones that are developing rapidly include Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili, etc. Among them, Douyin’s daily active users have reached 600-800 million, and Xiaohongshu and Bilibili’s daily active users have reached 100 million. , Kuaishou’s daily active users reached 300 million. As of June 2022, the number of Internet users in my country is approximately 1.051 billion, which means that almost every Internet user opens short video software and watches live broadcasts every day. Live broadcast e-commerce relies on the advantages of real-time interaction between anchors and viewers and price advantages to attract consumers to consume. Among the products they sell, high-quality products are often sold out quickly. Subsequently, a large number of orders were completed, promoting the development of the logistics industry, promoting the circulation of goods, and promoting the development of product packaging labels.

Figure 1 Product packaging label printing

Why do I say promote the development of product packaging labels? This is because labels are used in the circulation of goods in all walks of life. Labels play the role of introducing product information and protecting products. Products will be transported and stored when they are delivered to us, and product packaging labels can reduce breakage and scratches caused during transportation and storage. In daily life, we often see product names, manufacturer information, ingredient lists, batch numbers, QR codes, graphics and other information on product packaging. The printing of this information helps companies promote their products and maintain their products. Brand image helps consumers understand the core information of products in a timely manner and distinguish authenticity from fake. In the field of product packaging labels, Arojet can provide customers with professional hardware equipment - label printing machines, which are characterized by digital plateless, variable data, and personalized printing methods, and provide customers with high-quality printed products.

Figure 2 Product packaging label printing

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Overall, industrial inkjet printer may be a great way for manufacturers to expand their use of technology, but the price could present a significant hurdle for some businesses.
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