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QR codes on product packaging can help companies conduct marketing activities

by:Arojet     2024-02-23

We all know that today's society has begun to move towards the era of 'Internet of Everything' and 'One Code for One Thing', where each item has its own unique 'ID card' number. Now that the Internet has been integrated, the use of QR codes has been greatly improved in our daily lives, and companies can also promote product packaging. Competition in the food and beverage industry is very fierce. Among the dazzling array of products, products undergoing promotional activities are more likely to attract consumers' attention, making the products stand out on the shelves and attract consumers to buy. The core of promotional activities and even the mobile Internet wave is consumers. The use of QR codes is a powerful tool for customers to take action. It is simple to operate and more likely to arouse active interaction from consumers. Creative promotions, whether inviting consumers to design their own product packaging or offering the chance to win prizes, will help you increase brand recall.

Establishing close connections with consumers often means consumers will have higher brand loyalty. Through certain marketing activities, consumers who become product fans or corporate members are more likely to develop the habit of long-term purchasing of brands and products. Moreover, as long as the consumer scans the QR code, the company can obtain the consumer's effective contact information, which can help the company establish a strong connection with it, which often has unexpected effects. In particular, the variable QR code that is integrated with consumer interaction behavior will also help you further expand your customer information database to cover consumers' age segment, gender, address and other information. This detailed consumer information can help companies plan and execute various promotional activities in a more targeted manner.

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