AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Label paper printing machine that meets printing anti-counterfeiting requirements for a long time

by:Arojet     2024-02-08

As a traditional industry, label printing relies on social production efficiency for its development. As production efficiency continues to improve, the cost pressure faced by the self-adhesive label industry must be increasing. Nowadays, the demand for printing variable content is gradually growing. The printing of variable data barcodes and QR codes has been involved in various industries in recent years. For corporate merchants, the printing of variable information content can enable good marketing and promotion of products. As a kind of digital printing equipment, the label paper printing machine can automatically generate variable content printing, which just meets the current market requirements for variable information printing. It is also a printing equipment chosen by many companies.

Based on the needs of most manufacturing companies, Arojet has developed a label paper printing machine that prints content on single sheets or roll labels. It can code variable data digital ink on product labels, giving the product a unique identity certificate. The authenticity of its products is guaranteed. Roll labels are label raw materials made into a roll shape, and corporate information, LOGO, trademarks, variable QR codes, variable barcodes and other information are marked on the surface in the form of paper self-adhesive. However, due to the large number of label categories in the market, such as anti-counterfeiting labels, self-adhesive labels, electronic labels, etc., the printing solutions will also be different. The digital printing presses supplied by Arojet Company have a full range of printing solutions for you. Various printing needs on labels can save costs and improve production efficiency for small and medium-sized enterprises.

At present, anti-counterfeiting is becoming more and more important in many application fields. In addition to some expensive and luxury brand-name products that are frequently counterfeited, people's daily consumer goods are also often counterfeited, and some may even cause certain harm to the human body. In order to protect the market, protect the interests of consumers and the company itself, companies must make their products unique. Fortunately, anti-counterfeiting labels printed by self-adhesive label paper printing machines are currently developing rapidly in the market, producing high-quality High-tech anti-counterfeiting labels are the responsibility of printing companies and the prerequisite for profits.

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industrial inkjet printer developed from Guangdong AROJET Ink Jet Technology Co., Ltd.’s unique skills in high technology has helped to produce industrial inkjet printercoding and marking machines.
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