AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Food packaging bag printing machine that optimizes the appearance of food packaging

by:Arojet     2024-02-15

As the saying goes, 'Food is the first priority for the people, and food safety is the first priority.' Food packaging bag printing machines have attracted widespread attention around the world for food safety issues. The concept of full traceability of the food supply chain 'from production to table' has been Gradually receiving attention, highlighting the urgency and importance of establishing and improving food product logistics traceability systems in our country and even in countries around the world. QR codes store a large amount of information. Therefore, widely applying 2D barcode technology to the field of food traceability will not only provide an effective way for the development of food traceability systems, but also give full play to the advantages of 2D barcode technology. Due to the rise of the Internet of Things, the development of mobile communication technology has led to the use of QR codes in every corner. The advantage is that in the food logistics traceability system, QR code technology plays an increasingly important role. Judging from supermarket packaging, many supermarkets in China are currently using QR code technology to trace products from their suppliers. At present, the existence of QR codes printed by food packaging bag printing machines still relies on core accessories, exquisite production technology, and printing machines that lead the industry trend to complete the process.

Through the QR code printed by the food packaging bag printing machine, people can learn in detail the specific logistics information of the food they purchased. From raw materials, production, packaging to harvesting, transportation and sales, consumers can have a more comprehensive and objective understanding of the supply chain information. The logistics process of products enhances consumer confidence and ensures food quality and safety. Abroad, QR code technology has been widely used in food traceability systems. QR code technology is used to establish an effective 'ID card' for the video. In this way, production can be recorded, information can be queried, and the flow can be traced. , liability can be investigated, products can be recalled, and safety is guaranteed. Arojet is a manufacturer integrating R&D, production and sales. Arojet has more than ten years of experience in inkjet printing in the production of food packaging printing machines. It specializes in customized inkjet printing solutions for the food industry and can better serve you.

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