AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Can invisible codes achieve 'effective anti-counterfeiting'?

by:Arojet     2024-02-18

Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting issues have always been a concern for manufacturing companies and dealers. At present, there are still many unscrupulous businesses in my country that manufacture and sell fake and shoddy products for their own benefit. This not only damages the rights and health of consumers, but also damages the corporate brand image. In order to solve the problem of anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting, many companies will print QR code anti-counterfeiting labels on their products. QR code anti-counterfeiting labels are clear codes and are easily damaged and cannot be scanned and read. Therefore, diversified anti-counterfeiting labels are important. Some companies print invisible codes while printing QR codes on their products to prevent counterfeiting and prevent diversified goods. So, what is an invisible code? The invisible code is a pattern that 'disappears' on the outside of the packaging. It will not affect the appearance of the product packaging and can meet the needs of anti-counterfeiting and traceability.

Figure 1 Example of invisible code printing

The invisible code we mentioned today is invisible to the naked eye and requires special equipment to identify the content inside. Even if a dealer scratches or destroys the code, the invisible code can solve the problem of the label being unable to be read, because the invisible code has the characteristics of preventing violent destruction. Even if the information is destroyed up to 80%, it can still be identified. . The printing of invisible code marks requires special equipment and ink. Anoje has been deeply involved in the field of digital inkjet for nearly 20 years, has served tens of thousands of customers, and has more than 30 industry coding solutions, which can provide you with good Inkjet coding equipment and invisible ink help you produce.

Figure 2 Example of invisible code printing

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