AROJET industrial inkjet printer suppliers - a high-tech enterprise for industrial inkjet printing solutions

Bottle cap UV inkjet printer focuses on providing personalized anti-counterfeiting labels for beverage and alcohol bottle caps

by:Arojet     2024-02-10
More and more manufacturers in the fields of beverages, alcoholic beverages, mineral water, etc. are printing anti-counterfeiting codes on bottle caps. Anti-counterfeiting bottle caps mainly have three functions. One is the aesthetic effect, which creates exquisite, unique and personalized bottles. Lid packaging can attract attention and add the finishing touch; second, it has a sealing function to prevent the liquid inside from escaping; third, it has an anti-counterfeiting and traceability function, assisting companies in completing anti-counterfeiting traceability, preventing product diversification, and system management of products, etc. According to data, there will be 1.8797 million beverage-related companies in my country in 2022. In order to survive the fierce market competition and cater to consumer needs, manufacturers in the fields of beverages, alcohol, mineral water, etc. have begun to turn their attention to personalization. , exquisite bottle cap production. On the basis of ensuring anti-counterfeiting bottle cap printing, Arojet bottle cap UV inkjet printer can improve the printing effect of the product and enhance the aesthetics of the packaging, thereby stimulating consumers' desire to shop and increasing brand awareness.

Figure 1 QR code printing on plastic bottle caps

As a part of packaging, the production method of bottle caps is developing towards the trend of diversification, personalization and anti-counterfeiting. Arojet bottle cap UV inkjet printer can be used in many industries. The equipment is stable and reliable, the machine performance is good, and the failure rate is low. The variable QR code printed by the printer has a recognition rate of 99%. It is equipped with automated visual detection, alarm, After removing the equipment, a 99.9% pass rate of good products can be achieved (the QR code is guaranteed to be scannable). The bottle cap UV inkjet printer replaces the traditional silk screen pad printing. It has a wide range of printing media and supports the printing of variable QR codes, one-dimensional codes, graphics, text, numbers and other logos. It can also be customized according to customer needs. The device has won the favor of customers as soon as it was launched on the market.

Figure 2 QR code printing on bottle caps

Guangdong AROJET Ink Jet Technology Co., Ltd. is famous for creating innovative products like the industrial inkjet printer and supporting their market leadership with savvy marketing campaigns to build an elite brand.
Guangdong AROJET Ink Jet Technology Co., Ltd. humbly request you to try this item in your centers and we assure you that you would be in a great pleasure with the results.
Guangdong AROJET Ink Jet Technology Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of industrial inkjet printer, might emphasize less hassle or less wasted time rather than emphasizing reliability or quality.
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